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11 Sep 2015
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With this week’s new tech launches, such as the new iPhone 6s and Uber's new app, a lot of us have our faces turned toward technology. In fact, technology is probably staring us in the face every day all day. Whether at work on the computer, at home playing on your tablet’s apps, or taking photos outdoors with your camera phone, we hardly ever put technology down. Should vacation be any different? There is a lot of support for putting away your phones and tech goodies while you vacation, and we support this; however, have you considered that there are ways technology can actually make your vacation even better?
There absolutely are ways! At Five Star, we strongly encourage spending quality time with your family and friends. If you’re going to take out your phone or other gadgets, here are a few ways the latest technology can enhance the time you spend with your family on vacation rather than distract you away from them.

1. Initially make your family a part of the vacation planning process with Airbnb’s new Apple TV app. We think this is really cool! If you have an Apple TV, you can view image-focused listings of vacation rentals on your TV with your kids. Have them help pick out where you’ll stay and get them really excited for the trip. If you don’t have an Apple TV, you can easily connect your laptop to a TV using an HDMI or a VGA cable and bring up the Five Star Beach Properties website.

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